Program Description
With the formal establishment of Sino-U.S. diplomatic relations in 1979, Beijing Foreign Studies University, the most prestigious institution of its kind in China, launched the American Studies Center (ASC) at the initiative of Prof. Frank Tang, an American born Chinese and the first director of the Center. The founding principle of the program was twofold: to meet the need of American studies in China, and to promote better understanding of America. The current director of the program is Prof. Mei Renyi.
Since its founding in 1979, the Center has been conducting Western-style teaching: all courses are offered in English; all textbooks and readings are US/British publications; and all papers, theses, and dissertations are written in English, in accordance with established Western academic practices. This distinguishes the Center among the American Studies programs in China. The current ASC curriculum, both for graduates and undergraduates, centers on four areas: Sino-U.S. Relations, American Society and Culture, American Media and Politics, and American Economy. And the Center’s research falls into five broad categories: American Foreign Policy, American Society and Culture, American Mass Media, American Literature and Chinese American Studies. Up to now, the American Studies Center has awarded over 260 MA degrees. In 1996, the Center launched its Ph.D. program, enrolling 10 to 15 Ph.D. candidates every year, and 14 of them have completed their doctorates.
Over the past three decades, blessed by a highly competent faculty who are mostly U.S.-trained, the American Studies Center has strived to upgrade the curriculum, strengthen academic research and broaden international exchanges, thus establishing itself as an outstanding American studies institution in both teaching and research, laying a solid foundation for greater ambitions. The long-term plan of the ASC is to strengthen its leading position among the American studies programs in China, and to set up a network of American studies in North China with the program at BFSU as its core organizational institution.
2 Xisanhuan North Road
American Studies Center
School of English and International Studies
Beijing Foreign Studies University
Beijing 100089, China
Tel: 010-88817926
Professor MEI Renyi, director of ASC, research areas: US diplomacy, US-China relations
Professor HAO Ping, PhD, former president of BFSU, research area: US-China relations
Professor JIN Li, PhD, vice president of BFSU, research area: American literature
Professor SUN Youzhong, Phd, dean of SEIS, research areas: American intellectual history, American media
Professor FU Meirong, PhD, assisant director of ASC, research area: American economic history
Professor LI Qikeng, PhD, assistant director of ASC, research area: US diplomacy
Associate Professor LI Liwen, PhD, research area: American trade law
Associate Professor Gong Yan, research area: American society and culture
Associate Professor Teng Jimeng, research area: American popular culture
Associate Professor WANG Zhenping, PhD candidate, research area: American media
Associate Professor XIE Tao, PhD, research area: American government
Associate Professor LIU Kuilan, PhD, research area: Chinese American literature
Lecturer GUO Yaling, research area: American religion
Lecturer Li Jinzhao, PhD, research area: Chinese-American studies
Lecturer Yan Xunhua, PhD candidate, research area: American government
Lecturer Zhang Chunbo, PhD candidate, research area: American media
Lecturer Song Ying, PhD candidate, research area: American media
Lecturer YI Rui, PhD candidate, research area: American intellectual history
Lecturer ZHAI Zheng, PhD candidate, research area: American media
Lecturer JIA Ning, PhD, research area: American economy
Lecturer MA Liyuan, PhD candidate, research area: American cultural studies
Lecturer CHEN Juebin, PhD, research areas: US diplomacy, US-China relations
Course Offering
Current Graduate Courses

Current Undergraduate Courses

Past Graduate Courses
Western Philosophy, Western Thinking and Academic Writing, American Philosophy, Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons
Survey of American History, Important Issues in American History, Postwar American History, Social History of the United States, American Diplomatic History, Post-war American Diplomatic History, U.S.-East Asia Relations, Approaches of American History, Asian American Experience
Political Science
American Political Institutions, American Government, Current Issues in International Politics, U.S.-East Asia Relations, International Relations, Cross-border Issues, Social Legislation, American Foreign Policy, Constitutional Law
American Culture and Society, Postwar American Society, American Social Institutions, Social Theory, American Social Problems, Myth of America, American Social Movements, American Ethnicity, Comparative Social Institutions, Chinese-American Experience, Technology and American Society, American Religion, Sociological Inquiry
Afro-American Writers, Asian-American Writers, Post-colonial Culture, Popular Culture
Issues in American Economic Development, American Economic History
Interdisciplinary Courses
Sociology of American Literature, Language and Culture of America
Other Courses
Introduction to American Studies, Mass Media, International Relations and Media, American Education, Research Methodology, Women’s Studies
Past Undergraduate Courses
American Society and Culture, American History, Postwar American Diplomatic History, Sino-U.S. Relations, World History, Understanding America, Historical Account of the American Economy, American Government,
Recent Publications (2010-2009)
Journal Articles
Sun Youzhong, “Thoughts on Restructuring the Core Curriculum for the English Majors,” Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 2010(4).
Sun Youzhong, “The Political Implications of China’s National Branding,” Democracy and Science, 2009(6).
Sun Youzhong, “Intercultural Mass Communication: A New Frontier for Intercultural Communication Research,” Chinese Journal of Intercultural Communication,2009(1).
Sun Youzhong, “A Content Analysis of the Post-911 American Image in Russian Media,” in Mei Ren Yi, ed., America since 911: Changes and Continuities, World Knowledge Press, 2009.
Tao Xie, Benjamin I. Page, “Americans and the Rise of China as a World Power,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 19, No 66, 2010, pp.479-501.
Tao Xie. 2009. “Americans and the Rise of China,” World Economy and Politics, No.10, pp.25-32.
Tao Xie. 2009. “Theory and Methodology: New Directions in American Studies,” Zhejiang Social Sciences, No.3., pp.2-12.
Tao Xie. 2009. “How to Assess Congress’s Role in U.S.-China Relations: An Analysis of China Bills in 1973-2006.” World Economy and Politics, No.1, pp.27-37.
Tao Xie. 2009. “Party Polarization in Congress: Causes and Consequences.” International Forum, No.1, pp.65-71.
Guo Yaling, “The Mission of Red America to Blue America —A Review of God On The Quad”, in Mei Renyi & Sun Youzhong ed. BFSU English Journal, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2008, pp.194-201.
Guo Yaling, “From Latent to Manifest Functions: Religion and American 19th Century Social Reforms”, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, Vol.3, 2010, pp.45-50.
Guo Yaling, “The Continuous Influence of American Religion as Seen from the Latest Two Presidential Elections”, International Forum, Vol.6, 2010. pp.6-11.
Guo Yaling, “The Revival of the Religious Left in America”, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, Vol.2, 2009, pp.45-51.
Fu Meirong, “U.S. Government Intervention in the Financial Crisis: Motivation and Implication”, Beiwai English Journal, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2010, pp189-198
Fu Meirong, “Has the U.S. Immigration Policy after 9/11 Caused Brain Drain in American Science?” Changes and Continuities: the United States after 9/11, Mei Renyi & Fu Meirong, ed, Beijing: World Affairs Press, 2009, pp.381-392
Wang, Zhenping. “The Reconciliation of Reason and Faith in Gothic Period of Medieval Europe” Journal of Cambridge Studies. (in press)
Wang, Zhenping & Qin Ma. “Action Research on Video Course.” Journal of Cambridge Studies 5. 1 (2010): 51-73. Print.
Wang, Zhenping. “Symbolism in American Beauty: A Semiotic Study of Meanings Represented by Rose.” Chinese Semiotic Studies (English version) 2.1 (2009): 230-246. Print.
Wang, Zhenping. “Raising and Lowering Speaker’s or Hearer’s Position in Politeness Principle in Intercultural Communication.” Intercultural Communication Studies USA XVIII. 1(2009): 286-297. Print.
Jia Ning. “Paradox Unraveled: US Immigration after 9/11” Changes and Continuities: the United States after 9/11, Mei Renyi & Fu Meirong, eds. Beijing: World Affairs Press, 2009, pp.393-398.
Zhai, Zheng. “Storm in a Coffee Cup: Who We are vs. Who They Think We are”, Global Media Review III, Tsinghua University Press, 2009
Li Liwen, “Broadening the Channels of Cultivating Intercultural Communicative Competence”,Intercultural Perspectives. Beijing: Higher Education Press,2009
Chen, Juebin, “Samuel P. Huntington’s Who Are We? And the Current Immigration Debate in the United States”, Changes and Continuities: the United States after 9/11, Priscilla Roberts, ed, London, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.
Li Qikeng, “A Free Hand: Canadian Prime Minister and Canadian Foreign Policy”, Studies on English and English Speaking Countries, Beijing: fltrp, 2009;
Jia Ning. “Freedom in Middle French Enlightenment: Interpreted through a Picturesque Garden.” Diss. University of Louisville, 2010. (Forthcoming).
Sun, Youzhong. (2009) Decoding China’s Image: A Comparative Study of The New York Times and The Times, 1993-2002. Beijing: World Knowledge Press.
Li Jinzhao, Race, Beauty, and Politics in Chinese American Festivals:A History of National and Transnational Identity Construction,Routledge, 2009
Fu Meirong, The Making of American Greats in the 20th Century, Beijing: Science Press, 2009
Li Liwen, The Formulation and Application of Five U.S. Trade Acts, Beijing:FLTRP,2009
Benjamin I. Page and Tao Xie, Living with the Dragon: Howe the American Public Views the Rise of China. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010.
Tao Xie, U.S.-China Relations: China Policy on Capitol Hill. London: Routledge, 2009.
Li Qikeng, Post-Cold War American Diplomacy: 1989-2009 (ed), forthcoming;
Li Qikeng, American Diplomacy During the Cold War (ed), forthcoming;
Li Qikeng, “Canada-US Relations in the Aftermath of ‘9/11’”, Studies on English and English Speaking Countries, February 2010;
Jia Ning. Translator. The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment. Edited by Alexander Broadie. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2010.
Mei Renyi & Fu Meirong, ed. The United States after 9-11: Changes and Continuities, Beijing: World Affairs Press, 2009
Sun, Youzhong, Editor-in-Chief. (2010) Intercultural Studies Frontiers, Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press.
Sun, Youzhong, Editor-in-Chief. (2009),American Pragmatism Research Translations Series (8 vols.), Beijing University Press.
Sun, Youzhong et al, eds. (2009) Intercultural Mass Communication: Approaches to Key Texts in Cultural Theory, Universitǎtsdrucke Gǒttingen Press.
Sun, Youzhong, ed. (2009) Intercultural Perspectives. Beijing: Higher Education Press.
Grants, Awards and Honors (2010-2009)
Research Grants
Tao Xie, Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, Ministry of Education, 2010, for the book Living with the Dragon: How the American Public Views the Rise of China.30, 000 RMB.
Tao Xie, State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, P.R. China, 2009, for the book Living with the Dragon: How the American Public Views the Rise of China. 90,000 RMB
Tao Xie, Office of 211 Project, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2009, for the book Living with the Dragon: How the American Public Views the Rise of China, 20,000 RMB
Tao Xie, Office of 211 Project, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2009, for comparative analysis of international public opinion about China, 20,000 RMB
Tao Xie, Worldwide Asia Research Information Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2008, for comparative research on Asian and American political participation, 8,000RMB.
Fu Meirong, Office of 211 Project, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2009, The United States in the Obama Era,, 30,000 RMB
Zhai Zheng, Office of 211 Project, Beijing Foreign Studies University, A Historical Study on the Political Communication Regime of the White House. 2009
Awards and Honors
Sun Youzhong, Casio Award for the Best Book, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2009
Fu Meirong, Extraordinary Contribution to Academic Research, BFSU, 2010
Fu Meirong, Undergraduate Teaching Excellence, School of English and International Studies, BFSU, spring semester 2010 & 2009
Tao Xie, Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation Young Faculty Award, 2010.
Tao Xie, Excellence in Research Award, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2010
Tao Xie, Supervisor for Outstanding Graduate Thesis, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2010
Tao Xie, Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award, School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2010
Tao Xie , Graduate Teaching Excellence Award, School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2009
Tao Xie , Huawei Graduate Teaching Excellence Award, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2008
Tao Xie , Casio Award for the Best Book, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2008
Tao Xie , Graduate Teaching Excellence Award, School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2008
Zhai, Zheng, Award for Undergraduate/Graduate Teaching Excellence, SEIS, 2008, 2009, 2010
Wang Zhenping, Award for excellent research at School of English and International Studies BFSU, 2009-2010
Ma Liyuan, Award for Undergraduate Excellent Teaching, SEIS, BFSU, spring semester 2010
Ma Liyuan, Award for Undergraduate Excellent Teaching, SEIS, BFSU, fall semester 2009
Recent Conferences and Symposiums (2010-2009)
The U.S. Mid-Term Election and Prospect of the Obama Administration, hosted by the American Studies Center, sponsored by Worldwide Asian Studies Information Center, Beijing, December 4, 2010,
American Studies Research Institute in China, Organized by Hong Kong America Center, with support from the Fulbright Program in China, November 28 – December 5, 2010
A Dewey-Confucius Dialog on Democracy, International Symposium, hosted by the American Studies Center, Beijing, December 19-20, 2009
Symposium in Commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the American Studies Center at BFSU, Beijing, October 17, 2009
“Decoding American Cultures in the Global Context”, International American Studies Association 4th World Congress, hosted by the American Studies Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University, September 18-20, 2009, Beijing, China
The Obama Phenomenon: Reassessing Our Understanding of America, The US-China Education Trust American Studies Network Annual Conference, hosted by the American Studies Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, September 19-20, 2009